Study The Word Of God Daily! - The Church it's Mission

The Church Its Authority & Mission.

The Key and Truth:

THE CHURCH IS NOT A PASSIVE society in the world. It receives its power and direction from Jesus Christ, who has given it His authority to fulfill His mission.

Guarding The Truth:

The CHURCH is not to create truth, but guard it. It is described as the pillar of the truth. It must do more than speak - it must speak truth. The CHURCH is to be scripturally-minded and missionary-hearted. (
1 Tim. 3:15, Jude 3, 1 Tim. 6:20)

Correcting the Unruly:

The Bible teaches that the authority of CHURCH leaders must be held in high regard if there is to be healthy discipline in the fellowship, On the other hand, leaders are to be held accountable for their standard of teaching and personal morality.
Indiscipline, immorality and division in the CHURCH are not to be condoned. However, all diciplinary measures are to be tempered by the desire to build up the offender and by forgiveness that surrounds the family of Christ. (Heb. 13:17; 1 Cor. 5:9-13)

Challenging evil:

Morally, spiritually, and doctrinally, the CHURCH must challenge evil by its vigilance and by its determination to LIVE and PREACH the TRUTH.
(Romans 12: 17-21; Jude 19-21)

Part 2


Before He ascended, Jesus gave His disciples a specific command that is to be obeyed by the CHURCH in every age. They were to make disciples everywhere, spreading the Good News of Christ throughout the world.
We are to announce that Jesus Christ, once crucified for sins of the world, is alive, and that He is Lord; that forgiveness and the gifts of His Spirit are for all who belong to Him through repentance and faith.
(Matt. 28:18-20; 1 Thess. 1: 5-10)


JESUS NEVER EXPECTED THE CHURCH to be a proclaimer of words without being a performer of deeds. Christian service is a part of Evangelism, both activities being a necessary part of the mission of God. 
Christ is the example for the service that His CHURCH is commanded to bring to the world. He fed the hungry, He healed the sick and He brought hope to the despairing. He identified with humanity in all its needs. The same should be true of the fellowship He came to create.
(1 John 3: 17, 18; Titus 3: 8; Phil. 2:5-7)

The CHURCH lives for the glory of God. In all that it does, it should direct attention and praise God. It fulfills this purpose as it bears fruit in faithful service, and mirrors His love.
(John 12: 27, 28; 1 Peter 4: 12-14; Rev. 1: 9)

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